The Future of Indian Hip Hop: Trends and Predictions

Hip hop music, an African-American cultural movement that originated in New York City in the 1970s, has taken the world by storm and has grown into a billion-dollar industry. 

Future of indian hip hop

In recent years, hip hop has also found a home in India, with Indian hip hop emerging as a genre of its own. Indian rappers are making a name for themselves in the industry and the future looks bright for this burgeoning music scene. 

In this article, we will explore the trends and predictions for the future of Indian hip hop and Indian rappers.

The Rise of Indian Hip Hop

Indian hip hop has been around for a while but it wasn't until the late 2000s that it started gaining popularity. 

Bombay bassment
The first Indian hip hop crew, Bombay Bassment, was formed in 2009 and they went on to win the Best Hip Hop Group award at the Indian Music Academy Awards in 2011. 

Since then, Indian hip hop has exploded in popularity, with a growing number of rappers and crews emerging from all corners of the country.

One of the most significant factors contributing to the rise of Indian hip hop is the internet. Indian rappers such as Divine, Naezy, and Raftaar have millions of followers on social media and their music videos have millions of views.

Another factor contributing to the rise of Indian hip hop is the growing interest in Indian culture and music. Hip hop has always been about representing one's culture and experiences, and Indian rappers are using the genre to tell their own stories and represent their own communities. 

This has resonated with audiences in India and around the world, who are hungry for authentic and diverse voices in hip hop.

Trends in Indian Hip Hop

As Indian hip hop continues to grow, there are several trends that are emerging in the genre. One of the most notable trends is the fusion of traditional Indian music and hip hop. 

Indian rappers are incorporating elements of Indian classical music, folk music, and even Bollywood music into their songs. This fusion of sounds creates a unique and distinct sound that sets Indian hip hop apart from other genres of hip hop.

For example - "Azadi" by Divine

Azadi divine
In this song, Divine incorporates a sample of a classical Indian song called "Raga Bhairavi" and also uses the dholak and tabla, traditional Indian percussion instruments. The song's lyrics also touch on social and political issues affecting India, highlighting the influence of hip hop as a platform for social commentary.

Another trend in Indian hip hop is the use of regional languages. India is a country with diverse cultures and languages, and Indian rappers are using their native languages in their songs. 

Russ Emiway Divine Collaboration

This not only adds to the authenticity of their music but also allows them to reach audiences that may not be familiar with Hindi, the most widely spoken language in India.

Collaborations are also a growing trend in Indian hip hop. Indian rappers are collaborating with each other as well as with international artists, which not only exposes them to new audiences but also allows them to learn and grow as artists. 

For example, Divine collaborated with American rapper Nas on the song "NY Se Mumbai," which helped him gain recognition in the international hip hop scene.

Predictions for the Future of Indian Hip Hop

The future of Indian hip hop looks bright, with several predictions for the genre in the coming years. One prediction is that Indian hip hop will continue to grow and evolve. 

As more and more Indian rappers emerge, the genre will become more diverse and will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in hip hop.

All indian rappers at one place

Another prediction is that Indian hip hop will become more mainstream. As Indian rappers gain more recognition and exposure, they will begin to collaborate with mainstream Indian artists from other genres, which will help to bring hip hop into the mainstream. We are already seeing this trend with collaborations between Indian rappers and Bollywood musicians.

One prediction that is already coming true is the internationalization of Indian hip hop. Indian rappers are already collaborating with international artists and performing at international festivals. 

As Indian hip hop gains more popularity globally, we can expect to see more Indian rappers collaborating with international artists and even breaking into the mainstream global hip hop scene.

Mass appeal india rappers
Furthermore, as Indian hip hop continues to grow, we can expect to see more investment in the genre. Record labels and music streaming platforms are already investing in Indian hip hop, and this trend is likely to continue. 

This investment will help to provide more opportunities for Indian rappers and will help to promote the growth of the genre.

One challenge that Indian hip hop may face in the future is the need for more representation and diversity. While Indian hip hop has already broken down barriers in terms of language and culture, there is still a need for more representation of marginalized communities within the genre. 

Indian rappers have the power to bring attention to important social and political issues, and it is important that they use their platform to bring about positive change.


Indian hip hop is a genre that is still in its infancy but has already made a significant impact on the music industry. 

With the rise of social media and the growing interest in Indian culture and music, Indian hip hop is poised for continued growth and success. The fusion of traditional Indian music and hip hop, the use of regional languages, and collaborations are all trends that are shaping the future of Indian hip hop.

As Indian hip hop continues to grow, we can expect to see more investment in the genre, more collaborations with international artists, and even more mainstream success. 

Divine in his roots

However, it is important to ensure that the genre remains true to its roots and that there is representation and diversity within the community. Indian rappers have the power to bring about positive change and it is up to them to use their platform to do so.

The Future of Indian Hip Hop
In conclusion, the future of Indian hip hop looks bright and promising. With the talent and passion of Indian rappers and the growing interest in the genre, Indian hip hop is poised to take the world by storm. 

As fans of the genre, we can look forward to the exciting and diverse music that will come out of the Indian hip hop scene in the years to come.
